You are a PhD student working in applied plant sciences, with some experience in host plant resistance breeding.
Then, you are welcome to join the ESCAPAdE summer school 2021 in Alnarp (Sweden) – 17-25 August 2021, if you wish to gain some teaching experience as a tutor in a project-based teaching activity and valorize your skills in direct contact with stakeholders in Applied Plant Sciences.
During the whole period of the summer school, MSc students work in small groups and answer to a problem concerning applied plant protection, for example by host resistance breeding. They act as a start-up developing an innovative project and asking for its funding. At the end of the summer school, they should be able to present their project to a committee of experts evaluating the relevance of the project. The best / most original project(s) should receive an award during the job fair, with the participation of professionals and academics.
Projects will be real case studies, coming from suggestions of companies or research groups.
Student’s group will be tutored by young researchers (PhD students) working on similar projects and eager to share their knowledge and critical thinking. Tutors are key actors in this activity, since they keep students’ motivation, ensure a scientific approach and unblock difficult situations. It may represent for them a (first) teaching experience, guided by experienced teaching staff, and a direct contact to project coordinators (companies or research groups) to prepare their task and gain knowledge on the subject.
If you are interested in such experience, we would be very pleased to welcome you among our teaching staff. You will receive a certificate of attendance to use it in your CV.
In addition, you will also be invited to join the job fair to be held in SLU campus on August 24-25, in order to meet future employers in your field of research and participate to several round tables.
If you are registered as a PhD in one of the seven ESCAPAdE partners or as one of the seven ELLS member universities, i.e. Institut Agro (Montpellier, France), CULS (Prague Czech republic), DUTH (Komotimi, Greece), BOKU (Wien or Tulln, Austria), UPM (Madrid, Spain), UNIVPM (Ancona, Italy), University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark), Wageningen University (Wageningen, the Netherlands), University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart, Germany), WULS (Warsaw Poland), or SLU (Sweden), then the ESCAPAdE project or ELLS can help you to cover your travel and stay in Sweden.
Please register your interest by emailing Erik Alexandersson.
Waiting to meet you in Alnarp this summer!
Best regards,
The organizing commitee