Last transnational meeting

24 August 2021

Last transnational meeting

This final meeting discussed on project’s results and the sustainability of the network. It was agreed that ESCAPAdE main results should be spread more widely and that the network should be extended. Hopefully ESCAPAdE 2 will soon be designed in order to extend our project, increase the visibility and attractiveness of Applied Plant Sciences curricula and Erasmus trainings, and employability of our students in the sector.  

ESCAPAdE job fair “Job perspective in Applied Plant Sciences”

23 August 2021

ESCAPAdE job fair “Job perspective in Applied Plant Sciences”

This job fair (23-24 August 2021, Alnarp (Sweden)) co-organized with ELLS and PlantLink was included into ESCAPAdE summer school and extended to additional MSc / pHD students, academics and socio-economic partners. The event focused on the transition between the academia and Industry, the European Job market; skills required to work in the private sector and expertise brought by students in academia and industry. ESCAPAdE main results have been presented here.

ESCAPAdE summer school “Host plant resistance breeding”

17 August 2021

ESCAPAdE summer school “Host plant resistance breeding”

  This summer school (17-21 August 2021, Alnarp (Sweden) ; co-organized by ELLS) was designated to show that plant breeding and plant protection go side by side and that an integrated approach in plant sciences is needed to improve plant health, by using innovative teaching methods. This course attracted 33 students, 9 PhD/postdocs fellows as tutors and 15 teachers.

Webinar “Stakeholders expectations from higher education in Applied Plant Sciences in Europe”

11 May 2021

The objectives of this seminar (extension event adapted to Covid situation) are: to share lessons learnt and recommendations from the survey conducted by the ESCAPAdE project on stakeholders’ needs; to provide feedback on stakeholders’ expectations from different target groups (students, academics, professionals); to promote best practices for cooperation between universities and the professional sector

5th Progress Meeting (Online)

4 February 2021

5th Progress Meeting (Online)

Several crucial updatings and publishing were made during this meeting : update of the course database in order to include AgroCampus Ouest,  second member of the new French agronomic institute, L’Institut Agro.  ; update for all workpackages, with a particular focus on the Alnarp summer school and extension event, with a joined contribution of PlantLink ; uploading to the  SLU website  of the summer course Host Plant Resistance Breeding as a part of Integrated Pest Management informations ( The preparation of

4th Progress Meeting (Online)

2 October 2020

4th Progress Meeting (Online)

The conference was conducted online due to the impossibility to meet in Prague, as expected initially (Covid crisis). An update was made on the different workpackages. A first draft of the second summer school and extension event to be conducted in Alnarp was discussed during this meeting. Some more effort on project communication was decided, including the help of an illustrator for communication supports.

Exceptional Online Meeting

15 May 2020

Exceptional Online Meeting

Taking into account the Covid situation, an update of some Escapade workpackages was necessary. Considering the official statement of Prague rectorate, all of the events planned from July 20 to July 24 in Prague were cancelled. Several remediations were adopted : inability to set up of an hybrid pedagogic solution (on-line activities / shorter physical meeting) in Prague before next summer time (evolution of the COVID crisis) ; Planification of a  an on-line webinar as dissemination event to share data on the stakeholders survey on students skills in spring 2021.

Special Online Meeting

27 April 2020

Special Online Meeting

Dedicated to  the definition of learning outcomes for MSc degrees in Applied Plant Sciences this 2days special meeting have allowed us to agree on a set of common and specific learning outcomes from MSc degrees in genetic resources and plant breeding, in plant health, and in crop production. Based on that, a final list of learning outcomes was prepared and exchanged within the group. It should help in defining a quality label of MSc degrees for Europe, to be discussed during the final extension event in 2021.

3rd Progress Meeting (Online)

26 February 2020

3rd Progress Meeting (Online)

The integration of Montpellier SupAgro into a wider academic institution, Institut Agro has enlarged our consortium with another French higher Education in Agronomical studies (AgroCampus Ouest). Many results were also discussed : first data on the stakeholders survey on skills requirements ; conclusions of Escapade survey conducted on innovative pedagogies among students ; draft presentation of the summer school   A real test of Escapade course database was made and validated

2nd Progress Meeting

26 August 2019

2nd Progress Meeting

ESCAPAdE’s 2nd Progress Meeting will be kindly organised and held at DUTH in Greece on October 2nd and 3rd, 2019. The agenda is getting fuller by the minute and lots should be discussed during the meeting: innovative pedagogies to be tested during the 2020 Summer School; quality assurance and certification; brainstorming for collaborative writing of a white paper on ‘stakeholders needs and requirements – opinion on curricula’, and that’s only a sample!

1st Progress Meeting

9 April 2019

ESCAPAdE’s 1st Progress Meeting was held online. The project manager was a little worried beforehand: Would the conference call platform work properly? To her relief, technology kept its promises, and the 3-hour Progress Meeting went perfectly smoothly: the progress made in each Work Package was reported and discussions for future steps proved fruitful. So far, so good.  

Kick-Off meeting

21 November 2018

Kick-Off meeting

ESCAPAdE’s kick-off meeting was hosted in Montpellier: Representatives of all 7 partners involved in ESCAPAdE got together at Montpellier SupAgro for a three-day work session. Activities were launched, and administrative and financial rules were made clear to everyone. The participants also got to choose the project’s logo. ESCAPAdE was on the right track from the start!