Sharing experience in pedagogy
Teachers and researchers are always looking for new pedagogical ways to a better learning, appropriation of concepts, development of professional and scientific skills and to make students more involved in their pedagogy with the ultimate goal to ensure a professional insertion once the academic cursus achieved.
Teachers and scientists involved in ESCAPAdE have developed a deep discussion on these aspects with the objective to share their experience with each others, and also with the aim to develop a tool for better sharing these experiences with a larger community.
A synopsis summarizing best teaching practices and our experience through ESCAPAdE can be found here.
In order to share its experience, the Escapade project uses the MAPe web platform, initially developed for the Erasmus+ “Asiafood” project, and adapted for the present one. The scientist and the teachers have posted here descriptions of educational methods they have experimented.
To access to all these pedagogical experiences, including those developed by ESCAPAdE partner, click on “ESCAPAdE” in the “Entry Search” folder. You will find for example:
- Active learning: the example of using a simulator
- BarCamp
- Changed Roles
- Educational system around the BarCamp
- Journal Club based learning
- Learning by doing: The example of a board game
- MOOC NECTAR : A Flip-Flap Massive Open Online Course on Arthropod and Nematod management for crop protection
- ONLINE Seminars with Top Researchers
- Project-based learning in applied plant sciences (ESCAPAdE project)
- Simulation of a real project: notifications concerning releases of genetically modified higher plants
- The Flipped Classroom
- Interactive and online Jigsaw group activities
- Students’ debate
- Teaching tip: the Postcards activity
The idea is that all people can not only access these productions, but also share them. If you wish to add your teaching experience, ask julien.rose(at) for an access code.
What are students expecting from innovative pedagogies?
Students views on innovative teaching was assessed through a short online survey in 2019. Results of this survey are here.
You will see there that many advantages found for innovative pedagogies: mainly
“It improves student’s engagement”
“It improves student’s self-discovery”
“It improves imagination and creativity”
“It improves transfer of understanding”
“It improves relevance to real life”
But students are less convinced that “it improves know-how and craftmanship”.
Students who experienced innovative pedagogies believe that their learning success was higher. They would prefer the proportion of innovative pedagogies to be increased.
But the quality of those pedagogies mostly depends on teachers who are providing them.
Applying our experience in pedagogy
The Escapade project aims at sharing pedagogical experiences, but also to (i) develop pedagogical interactions between the scientists and teachers involved and (ii) apply them on a sample of European students originated from the partner universities.
This has been done during the Summer School organized by ESCAPAdE and ELLS in August 2021 in Alnarp (Sweden), with 33 participating students studying in 10 European countries and 9 PhD and post doc tutors.
This summer school involved several innovative activities for the students. The new teaching methods in applied plant sciences were highly appreciated. In addition, meetings in real life were considered as an important way of networking both by students and teachers.