Soil-water-plant relations, Crop ecophysiology

Dr Maria Gomez-del-Campo


Professor – SPAIN

Department of Agricultural production – ETSIAABTechnical University of Madrid (UPM)


Campus Ciudad Universitaria
Av. Puerta de Hierro, nº 2 – 4
28040 Madrid



I carry out my research work at the CEIGRAM-UPM research center. Currently my research activity is focused on irrigation strategies and design of olive hedgerow orchards for sustainable production and quality. The results of these works have been published in peer-reviewed journals (cf Journal Citation Reports) and presentations in International and Scientific Congresses. I develop research and teaching collaboration activities in two new olive growing areas: Argentina (Mendoza and La Rioja) and China (Sichuan).


  • Director of the Specialization course in Olive production UPM
  • In charge of :
    • 3th year of Agricultural Science and Engineering Degree
  • Responsibility of several courses as fruit trees and olive production

Selected publications

Hueso A., Trentacoste E.R. , Junquera P. , Gómez-Miguel V., Gómez-del-Campo M, 2019. Differences in stem water potential during oil synthesis determine fruit characteristics and production but not vegetative growth or return bloom in an olive hedgerow orchard (cv. Arbequina). Agricultural Water Management 223: 105589.

Centeno A., Hueso A., Gómez-del-Campo M., 2019. Long-term evaluation of growth and production of olive cultivars in super high-density orchard under cold-weather conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 108657.

García J.M., Hueso, A., Gómez-del- Campo M. (in press). Deficit irrigation during the oil synthesis period affects olive oil quality in high-density orchards (cv. Arbequina). Agricultural Water Management

Gomez-del-Campo M., Connor D.J., Trentacoste E.R., 2017. Long-term effect of intra-row spacing on growth and productivity of super-high density hedgerow olive orchards (cv. Arbequina). Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1790: 1-12.

Trentacoste E.R., Connor D.J., Gómez-del-Campo M. 2015. Row orientation: applications to productivity and design of hedgerows in horticultural and olive orchards. Scientia Horticulturae 187: 15-29.